CGI`s latest briefing

CGI`s latest briefing

CGI`s latest briefing

19 грудня 2022

On the 1st of December, the Climate Governance Initiative (CGI) launched its latest briefing: ‘Climate change and ESG-related risks in value chains: What board directors need to know.’
Developed in partnership with the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative (CCLI), this briefing provided accessible guidance outlining:
– New and existing guidance and legislation on value chain due diligence and what it means for businesses and boards.
– How existing and proposed due diligence laws relate to climate-adjacent issues, including information on how the proposed EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive goes further.
– Minimising risk of parent company liability.
– Disclosure of scope 3 emissions, and encouraging or enforcing these throughout your company’s value chain to reduce emissions and litigation risk.
– A useful annex breaking down the impacts in the scope and requirements for jurisdictions with current or proposed due diligence regulation.

Climate Change and ESG-related risks in Value Chains: What Board Directors need to know

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