Insights from COP27 & COP15 and its Implications for the Board

Insights from COP27 & COP15 and its Implications for the Board

Insights from COP27 & COP15 and its Implications for the Board

15 березня 2023
Tue 4th Apr 8:00am – 9:00am (BST)
6 Shenton Way, #33-00 OUE Downtown 2 map 

The recent COP27 & COP15 resulted in landmark agreements and set targets for the world’s collective climate goals. Join us online to hear from esteemed climate & sustainability experts as they distil insights gained from these conferences, as well as what implications the outcome of such conferences has for the board.


· Winston Chow – Associate Professor of Urban Climate, Singapore Management University

· Guy Williams – Nature Lead for Global and Asia Pacific, Deloitte Southeast Asia

· Franziska Zimmermann – Director of Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy and ESG Investment Management at Temasek

Moderated by Andrew Zaw, Principal in the Finance & Projects Practice Group at BakerMcKenzie

More details, registration and further instructions are available at the web page of the event.

Registered participants will receive Zoom link.


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